Connect Multiple Chain Transaction Network DeFi Exchange Web3

Build And Develop Decentralized With Easy

Mante works to connect all Blockchains in one platform with one click access to any network.

Connecting Network

The platform is designed to enable cross-chain transactions and communication between different blockchain networks.


In Mante Layer, users can leverage the benefits of decentralization such as higher security, transparency, and greater control over their data and assets.

Secure System

Mante provides the capability for users to create multi-signature transactions, which require the approval and signature of multiple parties before a transaction can be executed.

We Support EVM for builders

By supporting EVM, Mante provides developers with a familiar environment for building and deploying decentralized applications (dApps) on its platform.

Mante build technology in many chains

Apps powered by Mante API

Mante App is the first dAPP to enable true any-to-any swaps. In addition to the basic swaps, you can also trade almost any ERC20 token, including exotic assets like LP tokens, vault tokens, and more.

Mante build usecase by supporting various chain

We build usecases by supporting various Blockchain networks.


Crypto Wallet



Mante Blockchain

The platform is designed to enable cross-chain transactions and communication between different blockchain networks.

